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Showing posts from June, 2017

How to sell more music

Music is a business, and you want to sell your music, to make a profit. These days, you have to be creative, and think of new ways to get people to buy your music and merchandise. Here are some ways to possibly up your music sales. Subscribe to our Youtube channel. To get 100 free spins at Jango Streaming Radio, use this link . Download our Ebook on how to release your own music like a major label. Learn more about music publishing at Download music contracts that you can edit and print to your needs. Visit Are you listed in the Worldwide Music Directory? It is free to do, and takes less than 5 minutes. Visit

How to throw an album release party!

Throwing an album release party is an important step in the process of promoting your music. Also, having a listening party, can help you decide what songs to use for your project. To get 100 free spins at Jango Streaming Radio, use this link . Download our Ebook on how to release your own music like a major label. Learn more about music publishing at Download music contracts that you can edit and print to your needs. Visit Are you listed in the Worldwide Music Directory? It is free to do, and takes less than 5 minutes. Visit